Classification of Permanent Magnet Magnetic Separator

Apr.28, 2022
According to the different working properties, the permanent magnet drum magnetic separator has three types of tank structures, namely downstream flow, countercurrent flow and semi-countercurrent flow. Fan flow magnetic separator is suitable for ore larger than 6mm; counter flow magnetic separator is suitable for ore smaller than 2-3mm; semi-counter flow magnetic separator is suitable for ore smaller than 0.3mm. When the magnetic iron ore content in the feed sand is low, that is, when the tailings amount is greater than 50%, the technical indicators of the three trough magnetic separators are similar; when the magnetic iron content in the feed ore is high, that is, the tailings rate is less than 30% %, the process index of the co-current magnetic separator obviously exceeds that of the counter-current and semi-counter-current magnetic separators. In actual production, the appropriate tank form can be selected according to the properties of the ore and the beneficiation process.
There are many manufacturers of permanent magnet drum magnetic separators in my country, each of them according to their own specialties, the magnetic circuit, field strength, gradient, extreme, wrap angle, magnetic field depth, magnetic pole material of the magnetic system of the permanent magnet drum magnetic separator. ; The transmission system, bearing structure and configuration, tank structure, etc., have been improved and adjusted to varying degrees, resulting in a wide variety of series and complex models and specifications. However, the basic specifications and dimensions of the cylinder diameter and cylinder length have not changed.


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